Nature’s Lens


Nature’s Lens: Shifting Perspectives” is more than just a course; it’s a catalyst for positive change.

Join us for an engaging and thought-provoking live Zoom course featuring an insightful conversation on nature and humanity.


Nature’s Lens: Shifting Perspectives


Sunday, 28 January, 2024


11:00 AM ET / 10:00 AM CT / 8:00 AM PT / 17:00 CET / 19:00 TRT


90 minutes


$50 USD

Unleash Transformation with “Nature’s Lens: Shifting Perspectives.” Discover the Power of.

Harmonious Coexistence

Unlock the secrets of living in harmony with our environment. The long-term survival and well-being of humanity and the natural world depend on it. By recognising our profound interconnectedness with nature, we pave the way for a brighter future.

Personal Transformation

Embark on a journey of self-discovery and growth. Our course challenges you to see the world through a new lens, opening doors to personal development and heightened self-awareness.


This course helps you strengthen your relationship with nature at a time when there are many urgent environmental and social issues facing the world. Join us and let “Nature’s Lens” transform the way you perceive and engage with the world. It’s your opportunity to be part of a positive change. 

This live course is sure to be a thought-provoking inspection of the intersection of nature and humanity. 

Register below to secure your spot for this enlightening conversation!

A recording of the event will be available for those unable to attend live.

Let’s come together to inspire positive change towards a more regenerative and sustainable future. 

Founder - Empower With Nature​

Maya Galimidi

Maya Galimidi is the founder of Empower with Nature, a transdisciplinary education and project management NGO. She is an International Ambassador for the Global Ecovillage Network. Maya is studying for an MA in Ecology and Spirituality at the University of Wales, Trinity Saint David. She took a double major in Public Relations and Management of Performing Arts at Istanbul Bilgi University. After graduating, Maya worked in London, New York City, Istanbul, and the Negev Desert. For the last fifteen years, she has designed and produced international conferences in thirty different countries for the Wall Street Capital Markets, Healthcare, Human Resources, Marketing, Digitalisation, Copper and Government sectors; worked with politicians such as George W. Bush and Collin Powell. Maya obtained her Permaculture Design Certificate at Kibbutz Lotan. She worked as the Global Business Developer for Kibbutz Lotan Center for Creative Ecology and created eco-tourism, eco-peacebuilding and eco-school projects in the Middle East and Brazil. She is a climate action mentor at Techcamp under the US Department of States. Her teaching experience about ecology and purpose, connecting with nature and observing the relationship between people and nature inspired her to establish Empower with Nature.

Empower with Nature is a Non-Profit organization created to improve societies’ relationships with nature for a sustainable future. In line with this purpose, we carry out ecological, social, economic, practical, structural and design projects and realize transdisciplinary studies. We unite a team from different countries with academicians, activists, ecovillages, eco-restoration camps and people who come from all walks of life and cultures. They show how different traditions and disciplines can coexist, transform our present and influence our future.

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